Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tossing Water Balloons

Field Day came and went. Ohhh how I love Field Day. It was a childhood favorite when I was in elementary school. When I started working at an elementary school 7 years ago I was reintroduced to Field Day. I played soccer and kickball all day, and had a great time running around outdoors with the kiddos. That continued for the next 2 years then off I went to other endeavors. I went to another 1 or 2 in my after school programming days, and continued to have a blast- sack hop relays, world cup soccer (teams of 2, and 5 balls and goals), good times.

Today I got a chance to help out at Field Day yet again. This time it was back at the school where I had been student teaching. This was my second time seeing the kiddos since I ended student teaching, and it was the second time I was mobbed (re: giant magnet attracting all things with metal). They were surprised to see me, which tells me quite a bit about their memory (they knew I was coming back for it). It was great to see the kiddos, and a great time.

The funny thing about Field Day is that you need to have a vision for what you are going to do. The overall day was awesome, and very well put together. Now at my station it was rough going the first time or two through, largely because of patience and crowd control. Give a kid a water balloon and what will they do? Squeeze it, toss it, lob it, essentially anything but what you want them to do. Add to that the K-2 element, and we had a little malfunction at the start. Thereafter I was able to get my bearings, and use my teacher skills to get some order and make the station work. 10 at a time (5 pairs), everyone else in a waiting line, give water balloons AFTER doing directions.

The highlight for me had to be tossing a water balloon with a student at the end. It was the last balloon and she wanted me to be her partner (2nd grader from class). We went back and forth about 6 times, and had to be about 20-30 apart. Eventually I took it on the shoe, but it was good fun. Plus we had a constant line, and no one chucked a water balloon intentionally at their partner. Job well done! It was likely my last day seeing the kiddos, and I will admit to being a little sad. I got hugs on the way out and everyone get my customary high-five. But onward and upward....

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