My district is moving towards mobile devices in the classroom. On the elementary level it is a 3-1 ratio, and on the secondary level it is 1-1. I'm really excited about it. I was part of the pilot this past spring, and really enjoyed it. The goal is to make it so that kids aren't just getting technology in isolated instances (i.e. "let's go to the tech lab for our technology time"). The netbooks can be woven into any of your lessons, helping you teach paperless and getting kids to collaborate safely. Love it!
I can combine that with the fact that I have 12 desktops in my classroom. Since my classroom is a former shared space, connected to 4 different classrooms but not the main hallway, I inherited other people's computers. It was a place where computers were so that they didn't have to be in the classroom- a little silly to me, but I understand some space concerns. The desktops are a tremendous asset. I can use the netbooks, or have the desktops if a teammate is using mine. I have enough for roughly half my group which works well. The flexibility it provides is great, and makes sure I've got technology available whenever needed... assuming I am using best practices, not just technology for technology's sake.
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