I'm five days away from day one with kiddos. We had our Meet and Greet today, and it was great to finally see some kiddos, and get a chance to interact with them and their families. Since I am working with two other teachers, and we are teaming together, I got a chance to see many of the families on our team. It was fantastic, and made me really excited to get started. Additionally, the experience brought home who I am doing all of this for: the kiddos!
Now the room isn't complete yet. I feel like it feels a bit empty. I have cleaned out the excess furniture, and have desks that are in table groupings. I have books on shelves, and have my teacher library setup (which makes it look far more professional, and a little less empty). Beyond that I don't have much. No sayings, no posters, not much of anything. I need to think a bit about that, and think about what I want to put up that is intentional while also adding my own spin. I want to help create a culture of learning and high expectations, while also bringing out some of my personality (for example I've thought of bringing in my race numbers from the Boston, NYC, and Chicago marathons as I'm very proud of them and they are a significant achievement).
Even more, I need to get my first week put together. Thankfully the new teacher program has a checklist of things to think about pre-1st day... things like bathroom pass, homework recording system et al. They are little things that help keep things organized, and give you a heads up before you get there and are in the midst. Alas...
Last note... got my activeboard setup, at least partially. When I was nearly all the way done, which it isn't, I came to the windows login. It was the user "Gort" which blew me away... Who is Gort?! And why can't I login? They'll be in, it'll be fixed. Bring it on.
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