Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I find interviewing to be challenging. While I am an outgoing individual, I'm a tad self-conscious and I've got that perfectionist quirk that seems to be going around. Swirl those things together and you get someone that tends to over think, wants to be thorough, and isn't all that comfortable talking about himself.

I talked with a cohort-mate who just interviewed, and her advice to me was to "remember marketing yourself." I nodded my head, but was internally cringed at the notion of selling myself. Ultimately schools, principals, and other administrators want to know why they should pick you.?. What makes you a talent that they want in their district/building? I get it, but am not comfortable with it. Time to start practicing what I might say, thinking about what I've done, and just simply getting ready to ensure they see who I am and what I can do.

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