Saturday, March 7, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Our students will not become better readers because we create fabulous projects and centers, give them lots of paperwork, and grade lots of papers. They will become better readers if they receive excellent instruction and have lots of time to read and talk about books.- p 202, Regie Routman, Reading

I love that quote from Regie Routman. In order for our students to become better at what we want them to do, they need more time doing it. This is akin to how you get better at virtually anything (although I could be wrong, and there probably exceptions to this). You get better not through learning isolated parts, or sections of the whole, but through practicing the actual act it is that you want to improve at.

This has started me thinking ahead to two weeks from Monday when student teaching starts. How am I going to make my kiddos better readers, writers, mathematicians and scientists? I think it starts by modelling what they need to do, and what is expected of them, and then circling back to those things over time. I have some ideas that I want to bring into the classroom, and hopefully I'll get a chance to see how they work.

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