Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What they don't teach you

When you are in your education program there are a myriad of things you are taught. Best practices in literacy. How to construct knowledge in math. Ways to engage students in science so they come to deeper conceptual understanding. All of those are part of the education you get (or should get) prior to getting your teaching certificate.

How about the juggling act after year one? It seems like everything has stacked up in these last few weeks. Field trip #1, field trip #2 (all day), promotion, grades, comments, talent show, end of year party, field day, health curriculum, and a large end of year writing project. How do you balance that out? You've still got to teach, so that isn't an option.

The obvious thing is that some items are taken off. This year I didn't get to government. I just simply ran out of time. The larger projects monopolized time, squeezing out a huge part of what I wanted to do in social studies.. But you also take out things like lunch- talent show tryouts and putting together the performance list.

You learn to deal with it. You do. But it isn't something you learn in your education program, and likely not until you are a year or two in. Next year will be different, or at least I say that now!

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