Monday, July 13, 2009

Buying Stock in Futures

The joys of summer. It is a great time to have a summer job, particularly one where you sling coffee beverages to folks and have little responsibility. I'm caffeinated, I'm happy, and I get to talk to a variety of people (I'd say wide variety, but most are corporate/business types). This is the perfect time to relax a bit, let the pressure of the past 2 years release. This is the first time in 2 years that I am not working and going to school, doing each in a part/full time capacity (it worked out to a 40-10 split as far as hrs roughly). Work, at current, is a nice respite.

But I'd like to start getting ready for the year. Where do I start though? Normally I'd start digging through the curriculum sets, and seeing how the year is typically laid out, thinking about potential adjustments. This year I'd want to start setting up my classroom, as it would give me a head start- and extra hands from my wife (who has to setup her classroom too) and her family. But I can't really do that either. So what to do?

My plan right now is to start going through some of the books on my bookshelf about reading/writing/math instruction. I also want to go through some bigger picture stuff too. My wife has a book she is borrowing from her principal called Results Now, which I think I might read as well. I'll also start to go back through some of the Starred blog postings and see what other teachers have been doing (or are/were thinking). At least that's a start...

Saturday, July 11, 2009


That one word says it all. I've been hired into a teaching pool. It is different than applying to a pool, since I actually have a contract in hand. Not sure what grade level, or school yet, but I should know by the time the new teacher institute starts (at least I would assume).

It isn't in Seattle, but that is ok. My motto is: have certificate, will travel. Very excited to get going, with the fun starting the 14th of August and the New Teacher Inst. Should be doing lots of tech stuff as well because of the tech resources in the district.

I had a position as a sub in Seattle lined up as a deep fallback (as I feel like jobs will open up in Aug/Sept). No need anymore!