Thursday, July 28, 2011

What to do?

Yesterday I needed to drive over to my district office. Since I was making the commute I figured I should stop by school to assess where my classroom is at. I stayed for about 40 minutes, and resisted the urge to start arranging furniture.

There are some furniture issues I want to take care of in the coming weeks. I have a cabinet, one that has a TV on it that I don't really want, which is difficult to organize. I'm considering building shelving for the inside of it, at least on the right side. The left side of it is my construction paper area. That is one issue. Another issue is that I need to make some changes to my book shelving. I have a few bookcases, two which are stacked, to hold most of my classroom library. The problem is that I have book sets that I need to better organize, and I buy books regularly (necessitating the purchase of another bookcase).

What else needs to happen? Physically I need to move some computers around to give greater access to my whiteboard (which is largely blocked). I need to clean out some leftover things that have accumulated, and which I don't want! That can be added onto the curricular pieces I want to work on. Alas, shutting down work for a few days before really pushing once August hits.

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