Saturday, April 9, 2011

Library Cards

I had a student yesterday who asked: "Mr. Hanson, can I still borrow books from your library next year?" I replied, "Sure you can. You're always welcome to borrow my books." To which the student said, "Good, because you have a lot of books I still want to read and I'm not sure they'll have them in 6th grade."

If there is one thing I have worked hard to do, it is maintaining my classroom library. I have a shelf in the front of the room with "new books" which are either new or new to my classroom. To have kids talking about books, asking me what they should read next, and an exchange like that above, couldn't make me any happier. There were kids who weren't excited about reading before this year that are plowing through whole series' of books. It makes me excited to go find some more books!

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